Monday, June 11, 2012

THRIFTED ain't BAD, is it?

I'm a big fan of THRIFTED products, that's for sure. hahahaha! Most or almost half of my stuff are. I adore them co'z of the following reasons:

1. Cheap. Not too heavy in pocket.
2. I'm sure i'm the only one wearing it in the place.
3. Textiles/materials used are good.
4. Easy to play with, you can play with colors and prints.
5. It's all worth it! You are even paying much less than the worth of your item.

To earn money at this point of time isn't easy, so we have to be a wise buyer sometimes. Who the hell cares about what you're wearing or how much you're wearing, whats matters most is how good you look with it!

One thing I learned after 28 years of existence is never to pretend, most especially pretend that you have money to buy branded clothes. YES! people will look at you given that you have expensive stuff but does that make you earn something? No offense, I'm not trying to hit someone with this statement but what I'm trying to ponder is, be where you're at! Learn with it, embrace it and dwell on it! 

In my case, I always see-to-it that I look good everytime I go out of my place, people aren't expecting that I'm wearing thrifted products co'z I always feel the glam in me! That positivism in you will reflect on how you appear to everyone, and that's what you should work first, start loving yourself and everything else will follow.

Items I'm wearing in above pictures are all thrifted, haha. That shorts is only Php 129, that cardigan top is only Php 33, socks was from a friend named Josh Canares and the Alberto's shoes is only Php 500 (it's a sale, haha).

At the end of the day we're all humans, we eat, we sleep, we work and above all, we LIVE! Life is short to waste and not to enjoy but remember one thing, there's always a limit for everything. Don't spend too much for stuff, PRACTICALITY baby, with thrifted, you can get even or more with labelled ones.

Thanks for your time! Hava ggreat day! Mwaaah, till then.. <3<3



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